{{events:boardgame2.jpg|}} Ride your flying carpet around the local market, build a spaceship to carry cargo through war zones, dig for lost artifacts from around the world… whatever adventure you seek, can be found in boardgames! **Date: TBA** (**no dinner** but there will be snacks or dessert) **Place:** Jackson's House [[http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=1032+Thorneycroft+Drive+NW+calgary&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=46.409192,78.75&ie=UTF8&z=16&g=1032+Thorneycroft+Drive+NW+calgary&iwloc=addr|1032 Thorneycroft Drive NW]] **All are welcome**, but I do need you to sign up below for each game so it's easier for me to organize (groups, food etc)... and don't worry if you don't know how to play a certain game (most people don't). It's easy and I will teach the rules so everyone can play... ====== Some General Game Courtesy / Rules ====== - Please don't be late for your game. There are other players waiting for you to start. - Please don't take too long when it is your turn. * As a general guideline, your turn length should be about the same as everyone else's. * If you take too long, everyone will be waiting for you. Especially if your game is in round 1 and it runs long enough to delay round 2 games. * **Remember this is just for fun!** You don't need to calculate every possible move. - There will be a **bingo game for prizes** at the end of the night. * Everyone will be given one bingo card for attending. * Each game's winner will get a bonus bingo card. So you can get up to 3 cards but can only win max one prize. * Bingo cards cannot be given to other players if you have to leave early. ====== Schedule (Please be on time) ====== Previous years it has been a bit crazy with 12 games planned so this year we're cutting down so it's easier to organize. 16 players max, registration is first come, first served. If the sign up doesn't meet the minimum number of people required by the day of, you will need to switch to a different game. //Please only sign up for one game per round! Click the game name for a description of the game// ^Time ^Game ^^ Min # players ^ Game Length ^ Comments ^ |6:45pm | Introductions and Rules ||||| |**Round 1**|||||| |7:00pm |{{events:carc.jpg|}}|[[http://boardgamegeek.com/game/822|Carcassonne + Inns & Cathedrals, no Farmers]] | 3-5 | 60 min | Easy tile laying and area claiming game | |7:15pm |{{events:winners.jpg|}}|[[http://www.boardgamegeek.com/game/1382|Winner's Circle]]| 4-6 |60 min for 2 races | Easy horse racing & betting game | |7:30pm |{{events:dream.jpg|}}|[[http://www.boardgamegeek.com/game/904|Dream Factory]]| 4-5 |60 min | Easy to Medium difficulty auction game about making movies and having the most successful movie studio | |8:15pm | Snacks and mingle ||||| |**Round 2**|||||| |8:30pm |{{events:survive.jpg|}}|[[http://boardgamegeek.com/game/2653|Survive]] | 3-4 |90 min | Easy game of cooperation and attacking. Who will have the most survivors? | |8:45pm |{{events:cosmic.jpg|}}|[[http://www.boardgamegeek.com/game/39463|Cosmic Encounter]] - no tech, no flares | 3-6 |90 min | Easy to Medium difficulty game with temporary Alliances and special alien race powers. Lots of negotiation and table talk. | |9:00pm |{{events:niagara.jpg|}}|[[http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/13308/niagara|Niagara]] | 4-6 |75 min | Easy to medium game of getting treasures from a moving river. Watch out for the waterfall! | |10:30pm | **Speed Bingo for prizes** ||||| |10:45pm | Hang out or more open gaming. |||||| [[http://boardgamegeek.com/collection/user/holepuncher?sort=rating&sortdir=desc&rankobjecttype=subtype&rankobjectid=1&columns=title%7Cstatus%7Cversion%7Crating%7Cbggrating%7Cplays%7Ccomment%7Ccommands&geekranks=Board+Game+Rank&own=1&ff=1&subtype=boardgame | My game collection]] - for the curious. ====== Games Sign-Up ====== Just click the radio button and fill in your details to sign up. **Also, I encourage you to play games with people you don't know! Playing board games is a great way to meet people! :)** Contact me if you have any problems. ===== Round 1 ===== //include("eventsignup.php"); $filename = 'data/pages/events/game1.txt'; include 'signup/view.php'; ===== Round 2 ===== $filename = 'data/pages/events/game2.txt'; include 'signup/view.php'; [[game1| Settings1]] [[game2| Settings2]] [[game3| Settings3]] [[game4| Settings4]] [[game5| Settings5]] [[game6| Settings6]] [[game7| Settings7]] [[game8| Settings8]] ~~NOCACHE~~ ~~NOTOC~~